Silver plated flatware I am in the midst of studying Isaiah. Part of Chapter 2 reads: Come house of Jacob and let us walk in the light of the LORD, for Thou has abandoned thy people, the house of Jacob, because they are filled with influences from the east.. soothsayers, agreements with foreigners, their land is filled with silver and gold, with horses and chariots with idols and the work of their hands, and there is no end to their treasures.. Three weeks ago while walking with Ma Grace, we happened upon Bob Bates driving his car past Eleanor Peabody’s home. Eleanor was a faithful w'elcomer' at Bible study and neighbor with a ready smile. She died recently and Valerie, Bob’s wife does estate sales so she was inside pricing items. Bob invited us to go and say hello and my mom and I smelling possible treasure went inside. Valerie graciously invited us to look around and find some goodies. So we did. I bought a covered dish and a doily and my mom got some glass ware. We were th...
Showing posts from 2009
AAAAaaahhhh at the Dentist.
After my tongue discovered a rough crevice on a back molar this weekend, I made the dreaded appointment to see the profession most associated with suicide. I got to my dentist (the best one I have experienced) and he said, "Oh you have a hole in your tooth, doesn't that give you any pain, it looks like it should hurt, we may need to do a root canal." Hmm I thought, "Yes, I felt the hole, no it doesn't give me pain and thank you for telling me that it looks so bad I should be doubled over holding my face." I told him I didn't want any play by play commentary and just do his best and let me know at the end how things went. After a topical numb-er and 2 shots of novocaine, i felt only pressure. When i felt the nerve, I opened my eyes (like the guy in Star wars when the Millennium Falcon lands on the sky city landing pad), and Dr. Daniels detected I needed another shot coupled with more topical on the nerve he was medicating/extracting. My whole body sat t...

Last month I was invited to the White House for a Christmas Reception through a friend who has worked on White house staff for the past 8 years. Marie is a slight but plucky package of directed energy. She overshoots my understanding of politics but has graciously pursued a relationship with our family after her introduction through our eldest daughter, Jonalyn. Washington DC is cold and seemingly aloof but with Marie- it is richly accessible! We toured the Congressional Dome, the Library of Congress, (I got my card and spent a morning in Rare books among volumes of delicately illustrated books form the 1400's!) and the Supreme Court. At the last minute I changed my flight home, so I could accept Marie's invitation to attend the staff party. Since I had not brought anything suitable to wear I did some focused hunting at the mall and shot myself a smart red coat. The night of the party we hailed a cab, and clamored in like children pressing towards Christmas. I was told ...
Daddy's Romance
Jessica, when you were little you used to love activity. It was really hard for me to get you sitting down and listen to a story. As you grew that seemed to calm down a little bit but not very much. You are still the girl I knew then. Being 19 is exciting and launching and hopeful. It is a lovely age at which you stretch to find yourself. When Daddy and I went to Cairo, he gave a talk on preparing for marriage to those who were young (about 19-29) and single. I loved what he had to say and am so thankful that he took his own advice when we were young. He had a relationship with a Christian girl who was a beauty. She was tall and thin and beautiful of face...much more of his match physically than I. His heart did not have the wisdom to see beyond these and so he got involved in a close and unhealthy relationship with her. You know that daddy often gets what he pursues. That is kind of a Taylor trait. Well thank God he stopped Daddy short and to make a loooong story shorter, daddy began ...