Birdie's Song
I watched a NOVA PBS special called Life's Greatest Miracle this week because it is this week that our first grandbaby was to make his debut. (at the moment he is still hapipily clammed up in him mother's womb) After watching i felt inspired to write our little Birdie this poem. We are not privy to his real name so they call him Birdie till he is born. What a miracle life really is. God is amazing. Birdie's Song Beating heart, and pulsing blood DNA from him from her, Gathering ancestry long gone by Fresh expectations mount and stir. Hold Joni hold These moments in the nest Anticipated longed for birth Hold, in Abba’s sufficiency rest. Half your blood supports him now All your love supports him come Parental heart and soul’s shell crack This child, your hearts, a glorious sum. Receive dear God this child anew Into your world, into your nest Fluttering, feeble, failing, fly us To You, our only guide and rest. Little birdie so fat so full, come forth! Can I hear your so...