God's Resolute Presence

Yesterday, I experienced the resolute presence of God's spirit amidst 10 lovely women. My friend Sergio Perez was overcome by the effects of glioblastoma at 4:25 am on Saturday March 18th. He left as one that was well loved by his family and many many 4th grade students. Little voices, hands and souls whom he invested in and nurtured in a manly way. His way was gentle but firm and assuring. He was interested in people -perhaps because he knew that each one of them was of great value in the Kingdom of God. He had an unusual gift of remembering names and even decades later could recall them when meeting his former students on the street. I only got to know him better in the last year, more his family really, but his imprint upon them was indelible. Their beloved Sergio struggled against this insidious disease for 6 months before it took him. During that time the amount of cards and support monies that came i...