Scouting trip for Koko 5

My husband, Fred loves adventure. He will engage in it whenever possible and sometimes I tag along. This year’s scouting trip was for the benefit of Mark Saucy and Bodie Garside. These two mountain bikers like to go to out-of-the-ordinary places that their bicycling magazine suggests. Mark Saucy imagines big air. Our friend Mark Saucy, baptized his first wilderness mountain biking trip as the Kokopelli, because it was the entire Kokopelli Trail. It took the better part of a week. After this trip subsequent trips have been named Kokopelli two, three, four and this year’s scouting trip was in preparation for the Kokopelli five trip which will be in 2021. Koko five will be the lower quarter of the Colorado Trail-which runs from Denver to Durango. To do these trips there must be a support team which travels along as close to the trail as they can to provide food, water, repairs, campsites, hugs from Kidnap Carl (another story) showers etc. So...